This past weekend was another great one!
I had Saturday off from the shop, so that was my day to "play".
The hub had plans to work in the back yard. We've got a large area in the back of the yard that we've mulched several times while waiting to get perennials planted back there. The mulch doesn't last very long and the weeds start coming through. It looks like this is the year that we are going to tackle the back of the yard (and by "we", you all know that my husband does the majority of the work, right?)
Wilson got right to it on Saturday. The plan was to relocate the edging and move it back a little bit, so the area isn't quite so large that we will be planting. Even though we had some downpours on Saturday, he worked right through them and even got the sod down.
I worked a little bit on my weaving sampler - I have to tell you, I love the boat shuttle. What a difference it makes.
I also did some spinning too - I'll get some photos of my yarn that I'm in the process of spinning soon. I'm spinning a sweaters' worth, so the photos all look the same after a while!
Sunday was Wilson's birthday. I worked during the day, but the younger daughter came over for dinner. I hope Wilson had a good day and enjoyed the banana cream pie!
This week is going to be long one. I work everyday up until Memorial Day - we're closed that day due to the holiday.
And I'll leave you with a photo of my first bloom of the season!