To say it's been awhile since I've posted is an understatement. Apologies, although I don't think anyone reads this blog. (That's actually OK, the blog is actually more for me to get things out of my system more than anything else.)
I'll do a catch-up post sometime soon, but right now, all of my thoughts, energy and concern is directed to my dear best friend - my pug, Koby. He's been doing badly the past month and I fear that he won't be getting better without surgery. Roughly put, he has a bad back. He's had episodes in the past where he's been in pain and his rear legs haven't been acting as they should. Well, this one has been bad. No amount of pain meds has cut it for him. We've tried laser therapy treatments on his back and haven't had any luck.
My heart is breaking. I can not say just how much I love this dog and I fear I'm in for quite the battle with Mr. W. regarding surgery for him. The estimate is anywhere from $2000 - $3000 and of course, there are no guarantees. If Koby was older, it would be easier, but my little guy is only 8-1/2 years old.
If anyone still reads this, can you please send good thoughts and prayers Koby's way? Please????