Sunday, June 27, 2010


The umbrella that I spoke about in the last post is nowhere to be found. The little thing must have blown into the next county after the storm that we had.

My husband's solution??????










Mr. Frog is now fishing!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Storm Damage

For those of us that live in Minnesota, June has been a very wet month.

Yesterday in the early evening, a storm rolled in. While we didn't get any hail here at home, there were some good downpours and lots of wind. Because of the direction that the wind was blowing and the amount of rain coming down, I knew that I was getting flooded inside my shop. (The front sidewalk outside my door doesn't slope correctly, so if we get heavy downpours, I usually end up with water pouring in under my door.) So, off to the shop with my husband during the torrential rains to mop up the front of the shop.

When we got home last night after mopping up the store, the rain had mostly finished and I was able to walk around the back yard picking up things that had blown over.

That's when I spotted the storm damage -

My frog's umbrella is gone! Swept away in the wind and rain and nowhere to be found! (He should be holdng the umbrella in his right hand.)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Glorious Day!

It is a beautiful morning! The windows are open at home, and I've been enjoying the sounds of the waterfall and the birds. I've spent some time this morning wandering around in the back yard.

Here's a photo of our pond and our koi.

The koi are always begging for food! They follow you as you walk around the pond hoping that some food will be dropped their way.

Every year, we have a pair of ducks that take over our back yard. I think they are the same pair every year. The funny thing is that even though it is a male and a female, we have never seen any ducklings or a nest.

They have gotten somewhat tame and are used to our comings and goings in the back yard. Our dogs don't mind the ducks and usually just ignore them. It's pretty funny to come home at night and see a duck perched on the top peak of our roof!

I'm still weaving on the Baby Wolf at home. I think I'm on my 3rd project. This one is just a basic twill pattern.

I'm enjoying this loom so much and am already planning out the next project as well as how to get this one to the shop! (I'm thinking that somehow I will have to get one for home - maybe the Mighty Wolf?)

Well, off to get ready to head in to the shop soon.

Monday, June 21, 2010


We've known for a while that Koby would eventually have vision problems. He has a dark brown film (for lack of a better word) in each of his eyes. This has been slowly growing larger as the years have gone by.

This past week, I've really noticed how his vision has been really bad. He has a hard time spotting me and when he is looking at you, he's not really looking at you.

So, off to the vet this morning to see if there is anything that can be done to stop the progression - probably not, but we'll see.

I've been doing some web searching about blind dogs, and it seems like they can function pretty well. We'll just have to make sure that his surroundings all stay the same.

Still though - it just breaks my heart. I love this dog so much, and he's still quite young at 6-1/2 years old.

I've already told Josie that she'll have to be his seeing eye dog.

After a run to the vet this morning (and a $120.00 bill - YIKES!), it appears that there is nothing that we can do regarding his eyesight. It is what it is, as they say. They did test to make sure there is no infection and that his eye pressure is ok and all the tests came back normal. We're not sure how much longer he will have the limited eyesight that he does have right now. Time to spoil the pug even more!

Oh, and Josie let me know just how upset she was by being left behind at home while Koby got a car-car ride - a nice present on the carpeting! LOL. What a stinker - literally!!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Long time - no post!

Sorry for the blog absence. It's been a rainy June so far here, and that doesn't help with good photo opportunities.

I've been weaving, spinning and doing a little knitting too! My spinning studio now has the loom in it, so the quarters in there are getting a little tight! Eventually though, the Baby Wolf will end up at the shop - I'm just playing around with it at home where there are less interruptions while I warp and weave. I'm working on warping the 3rd project on it right now.

I've been spinning at home. I have some fiber on the Matchless that I want to be done with before the Tour de France starts.
Why, you might ask? Because I have to have a free wheel for the Tour de Fleece! During the 'Tour', I will spin a sweater's worth of yarn. I haven't quite decided on which fiber I'm going to spin. I have some BFL in a natural oatmeal color, or some Merino in a Dusty Rose color.

Since my spinning/weaving room is getting a little smaller with the addition of the loom, I've moved my wheel closer to the window. It's kind of a nice view to look out on when I'm spinning.

I'll leave you with some photos of my daughters and granddaughters. These were taken on Memorial Day. We went up north to my Dad and stepmom's house for the day so Wilson could help with getting the dock in the lake. It was a beautiful day and a good time to spend with family.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Another Day in Paradise!

I absolutely adore this time of the year. Everything is still fresh and green and the hot summer heat hasn't wilted the gardens yet.

We don't have a cabin to escape to in the spring and summer months, but we refer to our gazebo as "our cabin". You'll find us (and the pups) out relaxing inside during the summer. We've got comfy furniture, lighting and even a ceiling fan inside. Our own little slice of paradise!

We had a visitor in the yard the other day - he seems to be living by the pond this summer.

And one of the benefits of being an extremely early riser (even on the weekends) - here's a picture of the sunrise this morning at about 5:15 am. Stunning!

I've got the day off from the shop today, so I hope to get my weaving project off of the loom today and maybe even get it warped again for the next!

Love my little weaving helper!