Saturday, June 5, 2010

Another Day in Paradise!

I absolutely adore this time of the year. Everything is still fresh and green and the hot summer heat hasn't wilted the gardens yet.

We don't have a cabin to escape to in the spring and summer months, but we refer to our gazebo as "our cabin". You'll find us (and the pups) out relaxing inside during the summer. We've got comfy furniture, lighting and even a ceiling fan inside. Our own little slice of paradise!

We had a visitor in the yard the other day - he seems to be living by the pond this summer.

And one of the benefits of being an extremely early riser (even on the weekends) - here's a picture of the sunrise this morning at about 5:15 am. Stunning!

I've got the day off from the shop today, so I hope to get my weaving project off of the loom today and maybe even get it warped again for the next!

Love my little weaving helper!

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